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Creative Research Methods  ---  Health Research  ---  Educational Resources

Creative research methods (e.g. research using technology, transformative research frameworks, auto-ethnography), and specifically arts-based research has been applied in various disciplines including health, education, and anthropology. Arts-based research uses artistic forms and expressions to understand, represent and explore human experiences. It has also been used to challenge traditional intellectual forms of knowledge (e.g. academic journal publications) that is often privileged over other ways of knowing. 

If you're an artist and would like to work with me on projects related to diversity and inclusion, health, sport and leisure, Chinese diaspora, please contact me. 

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Increasing the Visibility of British Chinese Communities’ Health and Physical Activity Experiences in Bath and North East Somerset (BANES)


is a one-year project supported by Engage Grants (Progression Fund) at University of Bath (2021-2022)

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This project aims:

  • To increase the visibility of the BANES British Chinese communities (1.1%) about their health and physical activity experiences to the wider public (90% White British). 

  • To document the communities’ participation in everyday civic spaces in physical activity, understanding the significance of their participation for their sense of belonging and the barriers and opportunities they face in physical activity conducive for wellbeing.

  • To evaluate the effectiveness of the film and exhibition in informing local and global communities about minority (Chinese) ethnic groups’ health experiences. 

  • To inform local policy, practice and research development for British Chinese communities conducive to urban multicultural governance, enhance community cohesion and widen physical activity participation.


Rethinking Health Experiences and Active Lifestyles:

British Chinese Students in the UK


is a two-year research project supported by EU Horizon 2020 (2019-20)

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This research addresses pressing gaps in ethnic diversity knowledge in health and physical cultures, by providing unique insights into Chinese young people's (aged 11-15) physical activity, leisure, and health-related experiences in the United Kingdom (UK). 


The project will develop an innovative theoretically-informed approach to explore how Chinese young people's ethnicity, gender, social class and their intersections; their use of space and digital technologies, and consumption patterns influence their practices, and to critically engage with the contestable work of cultural norming in relation to their health and bodily experiences. 


Data collection is underpinned by an ethnographic approach, using traditional (e.g. interviews, observations and field notes) and contemporary mobile application and novel arts-based methods. 


1.  To map the needs and meanings of physical activity, leisure, and health-related experiences in the lives of Chinese young people in the UK.


2. To examine Chinese young people's investments in the different forms of ‘capital’ and how they are (mis)recognised. And to draw on these experiences to redefine ‘capital’ from its previous economic and Eurocentric roots to a socio-cultural and postcolonial perspective more able to support ethnic diversity.


3. To develop contextualised understandings of influences (e.g. family, school, leisure, environment) related to Chinese young people's perceptions and experiences in health and physical activity engagement. 


4. To identify new conceptual, methodological, and empirical insights on the processes of researching with British Chinese young people in health and physical cultures.

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Researcher and Creative Collaborators

Dr Bonnie Pang is a sociocultural researcher in health, sport and education. 

She directed and carried out the research project and curated the teaching resource and radio dramas.  



Bonnie Pang is an illustrator and comic artist based in Hong Kong. She drew the comics for the radio dramas.



Mary Cooper is an award-winning writer based in Leeds. 

She wrote the stories for the radio dramas.




Olwen May is an actress and theatre director based in West Yorkshire. She was the director of the radio dramas.


Tony Malcuso is the co-director of Chapel FM Arts Center in East Leeds. He was the production manager of the radio dramas.



Xunnan Li is a PhD candidate of Theatre Studies at Royal Holloway University of London. He translated the comics from English to Chinese.



If you have engaged with the teaching resource and/or the radio dramas and comics in anyway, please take the time to fill out the short feedback survey on:

Through the Eyes of Chinese International Students:

Health Experiences in New South Wales, Australia


is a one-year research project supported by WSU Women's Research Fellowship (2018)


This photobook was created using the photos taken by 12 Chinese international students during a one-hour walking interview with two researchers, and also in their everyday lives over a one-week period. The students' photos have provided visual data about their experiences related to food, physical activity, safety, work, leisure, and mental wellbeing in New South Wales, Australia. 


Together with the interviews, the photobook has enhanced our knowledge about the Chinese international students' rhythm of life and place-based health experiences. The photos and commentaries are curated in collaboration with the students.

There are some copies available for educational purpose. Please contact me if you need one.

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